The Association shall be called ‘THE FORTH YACHT CLUBS ASSOCIATION’ (hereinafter referred to as “The Association”). 2 . OBJECTS The objects of the Association shall be as follows: a. To promote in any way possible the sport of Yachting on the Forth and in the East of Scotland; and, with that end in view, to receive and discuss any suggestions put forward by any of the Constituent Clubs. b. Without in any way interfering with the individual functions of Constituent Clubs, to co-ordinate fixtures, programmes, arrangement of classes and other matters connected with Yachting. c. To assist in the formation of new Classes, or to recommend the discontinuance, division or amalgamation of existing classes as may be necessary. d. To encourage the young to take part in Yachting. e. To act as a link with the Press with a view to the publication of items of interest to Members of Constituent Clubs. f. To represent the interests of the Association to the Royal Yachting Association. g. To represent all or any of the Constituent Clubs at any inquiry held under the auspices of any Government Department or Planning Authority or on any other Body if the interests of Yachtsmen on the Forth or in the East of Scotland appear to be affected. h. Generally to do anything that will tend to assist our member clubs to develop and improve yachting, sailing and the practice of good seamanship. i. To act along with other Yachting Bodies in representing the interests of Yachting in Scotland. 3. MEMBERSHIP The Membership of the Association shall consist of Yacht Clubs recognised by the Royal Yachting Association and having their Headquarters on the Firth of Forth or in the East of Scotland. These Clubs are referred to herein as “Constituent Clubs”. 4. ELECTION OF CLUBS Yacht Clubs, qualified for admission in terms of paragraph 3 hereof, shall be admitted as Constituent Clubs at the next Delegate Meeting following their application for membership. 5. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and six Ordinary Members who shall hold office for one year, but shall be eligible for reelection (five to form a quorum). The Executive Committee shall have power at any time to co-opt to the said Executive Committee or to appoint to ad hoc committees as may be constituted by the Executive Committee from time to time, such other persons as may be required. Co-opted members shall have no voting powers, and shall withdraw from Executive Committee meetings if so requested by a majority of elected members of that Committee. 6. ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS AND COMMITTEE The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and six Ordinary Members shall be elected annually at the Autumn Delegates Meeting to hold office until the Autumn Delegates Meeting to be held-in the year following. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman may only hold office for a maximum of three consecutive years, and thereafter shall not be eligible for re-election to the same office for a period of one year after their retirement. If alternative nominations exist, not more than one delegate from each constituent Club may be elected as an Ordinary Member to the Executive Committee, which, as a whole, must comprise representation from at least six Clubs. Office bearers need not be club delegates but must be members of constituent Clubs. 7. CASUAL VACANCIES The Executive Committee shall have power at any time to appoint an Ordinary Member or Members to fill a casual vacancy or vacancies provided that such appointment meets the minimum representation requirements of para 6 above. Any person so co-opted shall hold office only until the next following Autumn Delegates’ Meeting and shall then be eligible for re-election. 8. SECRETARY The Secretary shall keep Minutes of the proceedings at all Meetings and shall circulate the minutes of Delegates’ Meetings to the Secretaries of Constituent Clubs. He shall also send to the Secretaries of the Constituent Clubs notice of all Delegates’ Meetings together with a note of the business on the Agenda, in reasonable time for them to consult their Committee if necessary. Minutes of Executive Committee Meetings shall be made available to Constituent Clubs on request. 9. TREASURER The Treasurer shall keep a record showing the Income and Expenditure of the Association and shall exhibit annually to the Autumn Delegates Meeting a Statement of the Finances of the Association. The Annual Accounts must be examined by an auditor appointed by the Association, who shall not be a member of the Executive Committee, and the auditor’s comments reported by the Treasurer to the Spring Delegates Meeting. 10. DELEGATES Each Constituent Club shall be entitled to nominate two delegates to the Association. Only nominated delegates may vote on behalf of Constituent Clubs. 11. DELEGATE MEETINGS Delegate Meetings shall be held at least twice per year, preferably in November and April. Eight Delegates shall form a quorum. Any business which is competent under this Constitution may be carried through at a Delegate Meeting. In addition to the above two meetings, the Committee may call a Delegate Meeting at any time they think fit and shall do so if requested in writing by not less than two of the Constituent Clubs. 12. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Committee shall meet from time to time as required. 13. SUBSCRIPTIONS Each Constituent Club shall pay an annual subscription in accordance with the regulations of the Association in force from time to time. The subscription to be paid by Constituent Clubs for the forthcoming year shall be determined by the delegates at the Autumn Meeting. Subscriptions shall be payable on the first day of May in each year and no Club shall be permitted to be represented by a Delegate At any Delegates’ Meeting until the Club’s subscription for the current year is paid. A Club whose subscription is not paid by 30 September in any year shall be automatically struck out of the Association, but may be re-instated by the Committee on receipt of a satisfactory explanation and on payment of all arrears due. 14. ABNORMAL EXPENDITURE If abnormal expenditure has to be incurred by the Association prior approval shall be obtained at a Delegates’ Meeting. Such Meeting will decide how the expenditure is to be allocated between constituent clubs, whether in proportion to their membership, or in such other proportion as the Meeting may think fit. It shall be within the power of any Constituent Club to declare at such a Meeting the maximum sum which it is prepared to contribute to such expenditure, and such Constituent Club shall not be called upon to contribute any larger sum. 15. APPOINTMENT OF HANDICAP COMMITTEE The Association shall at its Autumn Delegate Meeting appoint a Handicap Committee for the coming season, who shall regulate all Handicaps during the season. These shall be operative at all fixtures of Constituent Clubs but shall not necessarily apply to special races. 16. WITHDRAWAL FROM MEMBERSHIP Any Club may withdraw from membership of the Association by giving notice before 1 August, provided their subscription, levies, etc. are fully paid up. A Delegate Meeting of the Association may by a two-thirds majority order the removal of a Club from membership if that Club consistently disregards the Rules and recommendations of the Association; always provided that notice of the intention to consider the removal of that Club and a statement of the facts is embodied in the notice calling the Delegate meeting, and that the Delegates of that Club are given an opportunity of being heard at the Delegate Meeting. 17. ALTERATlON OF THE RULES No alteration or addition to these Rules shall be made except with the consent of a two-thirds majority of all Delegates present at a Delegate Meeting duly convened, and then only when notice of the proposed alterations or additions have been circulated to the constituent Clubs at least 21 days previous to the date of the meeting.
Adopted 19 November 1998 |